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Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

We didn't want September to end without acknowledging Suicide Prevention Awareness Month!

Here are some facts and considerations regarding suicide prevention for women over 40:

• Risk Factors: Women over 40 may face unique risk factors for suicide, including a higher likelihood of experiencing divorce, empty nest syndrome, or caregiving stress.

• Mental Health: Depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions can increase the risk of suicide. Encourage seeking professional help if needed.

• Isolation: Social isolation can be a significant factor. Maintaining social connections and seeking support from friends and family is crucial.

• Substance Abuse: Watch for signs of substance abuse, as it can exacerbate feelings of hopelessness and increase suicide risk.

Menopause: Hormonal changes during menopause can affect mood. Women experiencing severe mood swings or depressive symptoms should seek medical advice.

• Access to Lethal Means: Reducing access to lethal means, such as firearms or medications, is essential to suicide prevention.

• Awareness: Women in this age group should be aware of the signs of suicide and know how to seek help for themselves or others in crisis.

• Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive and open environment where women feel comfortable discussing their emotions and seeking help can be life-saving. (example: your weekly 40+ DDC subclub meetup!)

• Hotlines and Resources: Share information about suicide prevention hotlines and local mental health resources that women can access when in distress.

• Professional Help: Encourage seeking help from mental health professionals, such as therapists or counselors, for treatment and support.

Remember, suicide prevention is a complex issue, and it's essential to approach it with compassion, understanding, and a willingness to support those in need. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, don't hesitate to seek help immediately from a mental health professional or a crisis hotline

If you, or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

We serve a God who isn’t afraid of our doubts, grief, anger, or other emotions you may be feeling right now. However, when you become so overwhelmed by your circumstances that you start to question if death is the only answer, you need to know two things. First, you are not alone; second, there is always hope if you are willing to receive it.

The Bible is not silent about these dark thoughts and feelings. Just take Psalm 13, for example. David feels forgotten by the Lord and cries out to Him, “How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day?”

Can you relate to David here? You may feel alone, but you don’t have to be.


If you, or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

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