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South Carolina SubClubs

Publicยท160 members

Hello gorgeous ladies!

My name is Shakera and I just was watching the news with my husband and he was like "babe" this how you can meet some friends and jump double dutch" lol. Which I use to do has a little girl. I also was in double Dutch competitions in high school. Just moved here to Myrtle Beach SC, in May of this year..originally from Ohio. I'm so excited ๐Ÿ˜ and can't wait for my first meet up with you ladies.

Laura Carey-Blackman
Renee Wright
Tameka Baptiste
Charez Walker
Tameka Baptiste
Oct 30, 2022

Hi Shakera,

Welcome to Myrtle Beach! Your Husband is so right, joining our group is a great way to make friends, jump Double Dutch and more! I will connect with you on FB with more information. We're excited to meet you soon!



Welcome to the 40+ DDC South Carolina SubClub group page! Y...
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