I would love to become a member, however I noticed that the subclub in Grand Rapids, Michigan says "Cancelled" does that mean permanently or just for the winter months?
Hi Tawanna! We would love to have you join us! Our new location is Kelloggsville 54th St. Academy on 54th near division behind Wendy's. We meet on Thursdays 6p-7p. We also have a messenger group. Please click the link below to join 👉🏾https://m.me/j/AbbEN_FgTGd4o7R9/
You may also call or text me as needed
Glenda: 616-308-5942 . I look forward to jumping with you soon!!
Hi Tawanna! We would love to have you join us! Our new location is Kelloggsville 54th St. Academy on 54th near division behind Wendy's. We meet on Thursdays 6p-7p. We also have a messenger group. Please click the link below to join 👉🏾https://m.me/j/AbbEN_FgTGd4o7R9/
You may also call or text me as needed
Glenda: 616-308-5942 . I look forward to jumping with you soon!!