We’ll be sure to add you to the Boston Subclub email list - which we meet on a Sunday’s @ Franklin Park (near the tennis courts at the Shattuck Hospital end) from 10AM - 12PM. Also, we meet on Thursday evenings thru the end of September @ Vine Street Community Center, 339 Dudley Street, Roxbury, MA from 6PM - 7:45PM.
Can’t wait to meet you “in” the ropes!!! ❤️🖤❤️
Welcome to the 40+ DDC MASSACHUSETTS SUBCLUB Group Page! You...
Hello Rachel, 👋🏽
We’ll be sure to add you to the Boston Subclub email list - which we meet on a Sunday’s @ Franklin Park (near the tennis courts at the Shattuck Hospital end) from 10AM - 12PM. Also, we meet on Thursday evenings thru the end of September @ Vine Street Community Center, 339 Dudley Street, Roxbury, MA from 6PM - 7:45PM.
Can’t wait to meet you “in” the ropes!!! ❤️🖤❤️